Created by Wedding Favors

18 October 2005


I'm feeling a bit lost today.. wonder if it because Hil isnt around to help me.. or I'm just getting nervous of the protocol that's starting tmr...

Funny/blur things i made today... (Of coz, they were resolved)
*Holding on to the benchsheets, walking around aimlessly and then putting back into the drawer again. Then i realised i actually wanted to get the benchsheets to lay on the biohazard hood..
*Prewriting on the sample transfer form with today's day instead of tmr.
*Brought the collection tubes out to the study room without preloading the 2 additives required.
*Attachment student added wrong additive to the wrong tube and i didnt realise.. (lucky its only 2 tubes).

Now I'm back home.. hope that everything will go on smoothly tmr.. **fingers crossed**


HiL said...

i'm also feeling i have not done anything. maybe it's because i am not at work. No worries...i know you can do it i trust you. Thejob interview yesteday went ok..but during the interview i realised it is more of preparing teaching materials than lab work..i hope i can find a job asap

BlueSky said...

Oh I see~~ really hope that you can get a job you wanted.

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