Created by Wedding Favors

13 July 2005

A meaningful day.

Went off early with a group of my colleagues to do some volunteer work at Melrose children home. It was fun. except for the rain that makes everything eeeky.

We were washing those equipments in the drizzle... squeezing detergent onto those slides and little houses and scrubing them. I guess it has been a very long time since those are being washed... or maybe they werent wash at all. heh. Those slides were very dirty, with leaves and algaes on them. we tried scrubbing them but to no avail. I guess those algae had penetrate into the slides and made a little comfy home, until we came and disturb their habitat.

After we rinsed the playground, ants, spiders and centipedes and all sorts of organisms you can think of came out crawling from the soil which was flooded with water and detergent. EEks! we quickly finish our job and go on with the painting..

Painting was easier - just touching up the colours (the group before us did those painting). However, we need to wipe of the rain drops before we could apply the paint. we had to be careful so that we dun have to keep on touching up!

At around 7.10pm, we went off together and had dinner. Steve's treat =) Thank you!

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