Created by Wedding Favors

15 August 2004

I was wondering why are there pple abandoning their parents when they are old and haggard, naggy and ill...

Mum just told me that my ex-neighbour, a 70+ malay grandpa has been driven out from his son's house.. That grandpa has been living next door to us since my brother was born.. he watched us grew up, started schooling and til now... I still remember that day when her only daughter passed away due to an asthma attack, leaving grandpa, grandma and a grandson... they live together happily.. until not recently grandma passed away... his grandson was then taken back by his father... and persuaded grandpa to sell off his flat.. grandpa thought that now with him and his grandson, he might as well sell the flat off and live with his son.... never did he know, after selling the flat, his son got the money.. and drove him out of the house... now grandpa is always seen around at my void deck, carrying a bag and a walking stick... sleeping on the benches... I feel sad for him.. but i cant do anything... he is very old now.. i really hope that someone can take care of him...

I am contented that i have my family with me. I think i wont do that to my parents.. esp my mum... she raised me, take care of me and is always around me, protecting me... Although I dislike some things about my dad, he is always there when i really needed help... those care and concern, is something that not everyone can have.. i will cherish that bond... that family ties... I love you mum, I love you dad... *muackz*

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