Created by Wedding Favors

26 November 2004


Mum is proud if dad's work... even though sometimes she has to tolerate with dad's unreasonable attitude, some mild verbal abuses etc... she still support my dad. afterall, they are married for so many years..

Yesterday, sis asked mum "what did you do today?" Then mum started her "story" from how many businesses dad received today to how many locks he bought... to how many holes he drilled to put in 4 screws. Amazing huh. Mum can remember minor details that not many can. Oh ya, tell you something, when comes to money issue, she is sure to remember each and every detail. like what you bought, how much you owe her etc. she also have amazing mental calculating skills which I really admire. For simple calculations like 17 x5, I need a calculator, but not mum. i think my brain is rusty now.. or rather... it has become lazy.

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