Created by Wedding Favors

11 November 2006

Happy one month old baby-chan~!

Went for a haircut today.. did highlighting also.. being a conservative person (plus first time coloring) i told my hairdresser to not "overdo" it.. now... it seems like I did nothing to my hair at all. haha~ as usual, mum said it's a waste of money.. but I think still ok lah.. coz it's less than a hundred for my length.

Bought a gold pendant for my niece just now.. very cute one. hee~ She's holding a one month celebration tmr. =) I also bought an expensive pimple cream and 2 way foundation...Gosh~ I spent a lot today..more than 200~! Imagine I'm a stingy person. heh.. but it's still ok lah.. coz i only spend like, once in a blue moon? hee~

Dinner time. tata!

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