Created by Wedding Favors

29 December 2009

Shit happens.

This morning was damn lucky to have a warmth, large pile of bird shit landed on my right hand, sliding thru and in between my thumb, index and then dripping from middle finger! Eew~! Lucky there's a coffeeshop just across the road.. and so I went to wash my hands, twice, double checking if there's any remnants before leaving. I washed my hands the 3rd time with plenty of soap in the office. I still cant get the yucky feelings away.. -_- I guess for some pple, they will ask me to use the hand, pick some 4D or toto and go and buy.. coz it's rare, and I tell you, it's the first time!!!

But I'm glad that it didnt land on my body, hair or bag. That's lucky.

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