Created by Wedding Favors

10 June 2006

Double happiness.

This afternoon i attended the last lesson for my current module. next week's exam. Time flies~ So fast I need to sit for another exam... But it's ok.. I'm managing well, and I'm surprised. Coz from the past, I'm the sort that cant handle stress.. work was work, study was study - couldnt mix the 2. Right now, I feel proud of myself. heh.

Double happiness. Sis got married few months ago, and my brother is getting married next week =) It's time to take loads of photos again. heh~ Then my sister-in-law will be staying with us, temporary, until they get their own home. After next week, some of you may have already known, I will be sleeping with my parents. 3 room flat - wat can i do? at least i had the whole bedroom to myself for a few months (after sis got married).


felicium said...

so when will it be ur turn?

BlueSky said...

Nah.. not so fast. hehe` we need to plan first. ;p

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