Created by Wedding Favors

14 February 2006

Happy Valentine's day!

First of all, let me wish all the pple to have a Happy Valentine's day!

In japan, during valentine's day, a girl will usually make chocolates or chocolate cakes to their love ones, like Daddy and boyfriend etc. Besides those love ones, they will also give some kind of "obligation chocolate" to guys who treat her good -- maybe in school or at work, no feelings attached. This day is also a special day to confess to the one she likes.. and it may turn out to be a surprise for her.

Beside's Valentine's day, there's also a white day on March 14 for the guys who had received chocolates from girls to return them a gift. This gift is usually white chocolates, or some other accessories.

Living in singapore, there are very little pple who will exchange chocolates anymore.. especially homemake ones. The gifts are rather, chosen directly or indirectly by hinting their partners. For my case, i chose them... I think that choosing gifts and giving them directly (without wrappers) seems a bit not romantic... but no choice. It is difficult to be romantic when being a thirfty and realistic singaporean (like me). Heh. =P

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