Created by Wedding Favors

09 December 2005

She's irritating.

Today we finally opened our hamper to distribute.. a hamper we gotten from the year end function. Everyone was courteous to let each other choose what we prefer.. and due to this kind of courtesy, that irritating agency nurse took advantage of the situation and took a lot! She's like, "chopping" the biggest tin of biscuits she can find. Furthermore, she wanted to take that bottle of wine too! (lucky someone stopped her) plus, there's a lot of items we can share and distribute... and as expected, she took the most! In 1 swoop, she got her plastic bag full. Guess what she said after that? "I dun actually eat these stuff I took. I just take lo". WTH?? that take so much for what? She's really greedy and I just cant stand her.

By the way, you want to know who the greedy person is, right? Chiang.

1 comment:

HiL said... actually did wanted to know who that u mentioned really is greedy..

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