Created by Wedding Favors

01 April 2010


These few weeks have been mentally exhausting. Both personal and work.

Personal side:

We have been looking around for quotes, going through forums on Interior designing. Bargaining on the quotation prices. Going to Hoe Kee and shops estimating the prices of those necessities, looking through magazines and stuff for furniture and ideas. Blah blah blah... Everything cramped into these 2 weeks.

Maybe a bit rush, since dear is flying off for a week on Sunday and we will be getting our keys in 1 or 2 weeks time.. and then dear's current rental flat contract is ending too.. time is an important factor for him, coz he needs to get the house done up and ready for him to move in, so that he dun have to risk sleeping with his stuff at void deck. haha. 1 more thing to worry about is the $$. But it is more or less settled, since we have decided to sell off this car. A bit reluctant, but then having no car is just temporary =)


Koby has been giving us a LOT of work to do.. No breaks in between except lunch. Tend to lose concentration when we have to work for hours straight, esp after lunch. I wonder if it's just me feeling totally exhausted. I think personal stuff is quite a load (mentally) already. I told Koby that I am exhausted today, and he just smiled back. -_-"

I can say that I usually give 100% at work... to the extend that today, immediately after I knocked off and sat into dear's car, I'm totally drained.. I couldnt register anything that dear mentioned to me, especially today is the crucial day when we need to decide on which ID to get. I got home and rest for a bit - I had the urge to shout and scream and vent out everything inside me... but I managed to cool down a bit, drank a bottle of essence and went out to pay the deposit for the ID.

Dear told me not to give 100% at work.. I always need to retain some energy for after work life. I know it's not healthy.. but once I dedicate myself to work, I can just go on non-stop.. what makes it worse, I got to work TMR. Sigh.

To summarise, I guessed next week will be better, coz we had paid the deposit for the ID and dear will not be around.. so my mind will take a rest not to think about house issues.

1 comment:

YuFFie said...

Hope you get a good rest these few days! Thank you again for covering good friday! *Hugs*

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