Created by Wedding Favors

06 December 2011

Work issues

I have a little time today and instead of doing paperwork, I decided to blog. :)

The new young girl in the company has issues with the seniors... a.k.a ZX and I. She made a lot of small mistakes and she even tried to perform tasks she had never done before.. and, without asking and consulting the other first. Though the mistakes are negligible or some were prevented, I still had to feedback to ZX, her mentor. Urm, so, I don't exactly know how to put it.. but is it 自做聪明? Or just simply because she felt that it was an easy task and thus go ahead and did it. She is always full of excuses and reasoning.. and even if she really did make mistake and when we pointed out, she simply nodded and acknowledge "ok" without feeling a tad of apologetic. Is this the work attitude of a new age kid?

With issues piling up, we encouraged ZX to talk to her in meeting room. I think she took it personally and wanted koby to be in during the talk. Ok fine. They did the talk last friday evening. Right now, situation has turn ugly. Since yesterday she's basically not talking to either ZX or me, except work. she's hiding her feelings. She's detaching from the team. She wants to go solo. ZX and I don't like this feeling. We are a team and we interact. Irregardless of personal or work problems. Other new colleagues in the team are perfectly fine. She's the only one that we have difficulty. Her attitude towards us changed drastically and she claimed that she didnt change. Even Koby noticed her change in attitude and he doesnt know how to handle the new girl too.

I don't like this. I feel like shouting at her to wake her up.

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