Created by Wedding Favors

22 February 2011


I'm having block nose on and off (mostly on) every single day ever since end of Dec 2010. it's a bad start really. I did went to see a doc, but still the same (I do admit that I didnt take meds regularly). It's terrible. I wont know which day I would wake up with puffy or swollen eyes, due to the backflow of muscus from nasal to eye area. I'm having it right now - block nose, and slightly swollen right eye.

Block nose usually works up in the night just before i sleep, or when i wake up and then stretch into the early morning. It's really inconvenient. I cant have a good sleep at night, and I cant focus at work in the day. Afternoon time it will get better, but it will start again if I had something spicy or some allergens to trigger it off.

I can't help but to think, to have cause this long time flu-like block nose for nearly 2 months and without recovery is the work by some parasites. haha! Too much of hearing and watching a few episodes of monster inside me!

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