Dear has been flying a lot recently. I am really appreciative of what my mother-in-law has been doing for my baby and for the house. She took care of the baby when im tired, feed the baby, washes his clothes and ironing our clothes. As baby has started crawling around or walking around in the walker, she helped us to wipe those surfaces that baby is able to reach. She also comes over to my room to bring baby out during the 2nd midnight feed (around 4-6am) and then sleeps with him in the living room mattress. Then she will ask me to rest as much as possible before the alarm rings for me to get to work.
I was so so resistant to her coming over to stay at my house initially, because of privacy issues, and we have different sets of thinking on how to take care of the baby. Although the way she take care of baby is still not fully agreeable to me in some ways, we have learn to give and take as I understand that it is not easy to look after a baby.
Thank you Mother-in-law.